Your Spine and Health

Most people equate illness, discomfort, headaches and many other bodily conditions with not enough sleep, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, incorrect diet, old age etc. This may well be the case; however the problem could be the result of spinal misalignment from vertebral subluxation.

The nervous system controls every organ of the body. The autonomic nervous system consists of two divisions – sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic division includes all of the thoracic and first three or four lumbar nerves and the parasympathetic division includes the cranial and sacral nerves. In organs having both sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibres, one is antagonistic to the other. The ''flight or fight'' response is related to the sympathetic nervous system, whereas the “rest and digest” response is a function of the parasympathetic nervous system.

The human brain also communicates with the body via the peripheral nervous system (PNS): messages are sent to target areas (muscles, joints, etc) via motor nerves and salient information is sent back to the brain via sensory nerves. Thus, it is easy to see how taking care of this conduit of messages to every single part of our bodies is so important.

When there is greater tension or activity on the nerve fibres between the plexus and the periphery, the greatest amount of irritation exists within that organ where these fibres pass through. There are various methods of identifying the blockages in the body and NEURAL PRESSURE RELEASE (NPR) can help with this problem. NPR practitioners undergo strict training to identify areas where shutdown in the body has occurred and then, by means of light physical stimulus, open up these blocked channels of communication, thus aiding the brain to become aware of the actual status of the affected area(s).The body's natural healing ability then restores equilibrium. Maintenance work on the back is of outmost importance and in the long run can prevent costly medical bills.

 Management/Relief of:

 Back and Neck Conditions Leg Pain (Sciatica) Knee, Foot and Ankle Pain

 Shoulder, Arm, Wrist, Elbow Pain

 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

 Migraine and Tension Headaches

 Sleep disorders

 Repetitive Stress Disorders and Tension Disorders


 Bursitis, Arthritis Chronic

 Injuries Improve Nervous System Function

 Increase Vitality and Improve Quality of Life